St Michael's Hospice
Type of post: | Fundraising |
Posted By: | Hazel Green |
Status: | Current |
Date Posted: | Fri, 5 Apr 2019 |

05 April 2019
Ann Connolly, Barbara Gough, Vicki Mason ( Community Events Co-ordinator) Viv Ballson and Lady Margaret French
members of the Basingstoke Ladies' Choir were very honoured to present St Michael's Hospice with a cheque for £958.78, the proceeds of a concert given for the Hospice some months ago in memory of former member Judy Ball. The presentation took place on 22nd March followed by a tour of the hospice and facilities. St Michael's is dedicated to the care of people with life limiting illnesses and we know that the money raised will be sensitively spent. Together with an exit collection the evening raised £1265.50.