
Type of post: Fundraising
Posted By: Hazel Green
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 29 Jan 2019
As in previous years a local organisation has benefitted from the Basingstoke Ladies’ Choir Christmas concert when the choir sang to raise funds for the 'Holiday@Home' project run by St Joseph’s RC church.

The St. Joseph's 'Holiday@Home’ Team provides a meeting place every 2 months on a Tuesday afternoon for people who are isolated, elderly or disabled, of any denomination in the local community, where they can socialise, enjoy some entertainment, and enjoy a chat together and an afternoon tea.

A cheque for £347 was presented to Alfredo Lavorgna and Eileen Lavorgna, the founders and organisers of St Josephs ‘Holiday@Home’, by representatives from the choir. They were joined by the Mayor of Basingstoke, Cllr Sean Keating, who gave a talk about his role before everyone tucked into a lovely tea. £50 was also raised at the concert in a retiring collection. Alfredo was very excited about this unexpected amount and divulged half of the secret plans now afoot to treat the group to a surprise outing in the summer.